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Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Database of chemical acronyms. Users may search the database, and may submit new acronyms for inclusion.
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Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Search database:
Biology; Chemistry and Chemical Engineering; Earth Sciences; Engineering; Medicine
"Items in Analytical Abstracts fall into three main categories: Journal articles, technical reports, and books. More than 250 key international journals are scanned regularly by the Analytical Abstracts editorial team. Over 75% of the original material is published in English, with other major languages being French and German, Russian and other eastern European languages, Chinese, and Japanese. Abstracting from non-English-language sources is performed by a panel of chemists with language skills. A small number of other secondary sources are scanned, in order to find items published in more obscure journals or in the non-chemistry literature, for example, environmental, pharmaceutical or geological publications." Inclusive dates: 1980-present.
Search database:
arjournals.annualreviews.org + 3 more sources
Environmental Studies; Physics and Astronomy; Chemistry and Chemical Engineering; Earth Sciences; Computer Science; Science (General); Psychology; Medicine; Political Science; Sociology; Economics and Business; Anthropology and Archaeology; Social Sciences (General)
"Authoritative, analytic reviews in 37 focused disciplines within the Biomedical, Life, Physical, and Social Sciences"--publisher's Web site (viewed May 27, 2009).
Annual reviews (Online)
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Chemistry and Chemical Engineering; Biology
The Biological Macromolecule Crystallization Database (BMCD) contains molecule, crystal and crystallization data for macromolecules for which diffraction quality crystals have been obtained. These include proteins and nucleic acids, various complexes, and viruses. The BMCD has been available as NIST Standard Reference Database 21 since 1989, one of the earliest Standard Reference Databases at NIST. The current release includes 43,406 crystal entries, up from 14,372 in the previous release. The new data have been extracted from PDB REMARK 280 records. The data have been converted into scientific format (from aggregate text string to individual, numeric data) with error checking and standardization of chemical names. New search features include automatic synonym searches, numeric range searches for macromolecular concentration, pH, temperature, resolution, and year of publication, and combined searches over multiple fields
Search database:
Environmental Studies; Science (General); Chemistry and Chemical Engineering; Biology
Includes cited references to primary journal literature on biological research, medical research findings, and discoveries of new organisms. It covers original research reports and reviews in botany, zoology, and microbiology, and related fields such as biomedical, agriculture, pharmacology, and ecology, and interdisciplinary fields such as medicine, biochemistry, biophysics, bioengineering, and biotechnology. Available with up to 18 million records to 1926.
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webcsd.ccdc.cam.ac.uk + 1 more source
Chemistry and Chemical Engineering; Biology
Contains bibliographic, chemical and crystallographic information for organic molecules and metal-organic compounds whose 3D structures have been determined using X-ray diffraction or neutron diffraction. Records results of single crystal studies and powder diffraction studies which yield 3D atomic coordinate data for at least all non-H atoms. In some cases the CCDC is unable to obtain coordinates and incomplete entries are archived to the CSD. Also includes crystal structure data arising from publications in the open literature and private communications to the CSD (via direct data deposition). The Cambridge Structural Database (CSD) is distributed as part of the CSD System which includes software for search and information retrieval (ConQuest), structure visualisation (Mercury), numerical analysis (Vista), and database creation (PreQuest). The CSD System also incorporates IsoStar, a knowledge base of intermolecular interactions, containing data derived from both the CSD and the PDB.
At the Library:
Swain » Permanent Reserve » QD921 .C36 2012 in-library use only
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ccinfoweb.ccohs.ca + 8 more sources
Environmental Studies; Medicine; Engineering; Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Presents a collection of databases related to occupational health and safety. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) provide physical and safety data on chemicals manufactured or sold in North America. CHEMINFO provides safety information for important workplace chemicals. CHEMpendium compiles chemical hazard information from a variety of sources. Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances (RTECS) contains citations to the literature for thousands of chemical substances. OSH References is an index to journal articles and other literature related to occupational health and safety. Canadian enviroOSH indexes Canadian national, provincial, and territorial environmental and occupational safety legislation and standards. Several additional free resources are available through the CCOHS Web Information Service.
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Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Available as a monthly, printed bulletin containing over 200 graphical abstracts each month, indexed by reaction under study and by catalytic method. Catalysts & Catalysed Reactions online contains all items published in the print publication since its launch in Jan. 2002. Selected from over 80 primary journals, coverage includes all areas of catalysis research, including homogeneous, heterogeneous and biocatalysis with emphasis on current growth areas such as chiral catalysts, polymerisation catalysts, enzymatic catalysts and clean catalytic methods. Each item is indexed by authors, products, reactants and catalysts, catalyst type and reaction type. E-mail alerting service is also available, allowing users to sign up for an e-mail message every time a new monthly bulletin is published online.
At the Library:
Swain » Serials » Shelved by title
Search database:
Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Comprehensive online catalog containing product information from over 210 of the top chemical suppliers serving the research community. The search engine allows searching by chemical name, CAS number, chemical formula, molecular weight, desired chemical property, or chemical structure.
Search database:
Chemistry and Chemical Engineering; Medicine
The ChemExper Chemical Directory displays information about chemicals (physical and chemical characteristics, structure, MSDS and more.) It contains for now over 200,000 different chemicals, 10,000 MSDS and over 10,000 IR spectra. The directory can be searched by registry number, molecular formula, chemical name or synonyms in different languages as well as by physical and chemical characteristics and combinations of those data, and also may also be searched by substructure. This web site also includes the Chemical Calculator, which calculates the molecular formula, molecular mass, exact mass, elemental analysis and plots the isotopic distribution graph; enter molecular formula, atoms, isotopes as well as groups; and the OSIRIS Property Explorer, which lets you draw chemical structures and calculates on-the-fly various drug-relevant properties whenever a structure is valid. Prediction results are valued and color coded. Properties with high risks of undesired effects like mutagenicity or a poor intestinal absorption are shown in red whereas a green color indicates drug-conform behaviour.
Search database:
Engineering; Chemistry and Chemical Engineering; Toxicology and Chemical Safety; Biology
Chemgold III is a complete OHS management tool, enabling the user to manage local and vendor SDSs, create manifests, perform risk assessments, and includes regulatory data, environment modelling and animal and eco-toxicity. Includes Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS), documents which provide chemical and safety information about hazardous substances. All chemical manufacturers and importers are required to develop an MSDS for each chemical they produce or import. Because MSDSs are prepared by a variety of manufacturers and importers, the information in each document may vary in both form and content.
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Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
English and foreign-language references to journal articles, books, audiovisuals materials, and conferences; intended for all personnel interested in health and safety management. Sources of references are about 200 journals manually scanned as well as peripheral sources. Arranged according to chemical hazards, biological hazards, precautions and legislation, and general. Each entry gives bibliographical information and abstract. Chemical and subject indexes.
Chemical hazards in industry (Online)
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Chemistry and Chemical Engineering; Medicine; Toxicology and Chemical Safety
The Chemical Safety Database includes the following hazardous properties of materials: physical hazards, such as flammability and corrosivity, toxic effects, such as carcinogenicity, toxicity, and target organ information, regulatory listing requirements. Also included are Storage Groups for compatible segregation of chemicals. Compatible storage groups should be used only for purposes of storing small quantities of materials in controlled laboratory conditions managed under a chemical hygiene program. Storage groups should not be used as a guide for compatible mixing of chemicals or wastes. This database is offered as a service to the general community and no warrantee, expressed or implied, is made about the applicability of this information to a particular use or storage situation. Members of the Stanford community can access a more up-to-date set of material safety data sheets at msds.stanford.edu.
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Chemistry and Chemical Engineering; Medicine
ChemIDplus provides access to structure and nomenclature authority files used for the identification of chemical substance cited in National Library of Medicine (NLM) databases. ChemIDplus also provides structure searching and direct links to many biomedical resources at NLM and on the Internet for chemicals of interest. The database contains chemical records, chemical structures, and is searchable by name, synonym, CAS registry number, molecular formula, classification code, locator code, and structure. ChemIDplus is searchable through TOXNET's Toxicology data search. ChemIDplus advanced allows chemical structure and biological/chemical property searching to be done.
Search database:
Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
ChemINDEX is a directory of over 75,000 unique chemical substances, listing chemical structure, 3D structure, registry numbers, synonyms, physical properties, and links to Internet sources of further information. ChemINDEX also provides additional access to the NCI database with integrated AIDS and Human Tumor Cell Line screening results. The internet edition also has links to ChemACX and The Merck Index.
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Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
"InfoChem performed automatic chemical named entity recognition of Chemisches Zentralblatt, one of the most important abstracts journal for the time period 1830-1969. A structure searchable database has been built, in order to offer a language independent search in such a relevant historical source."
Search database:
Chemistry and Chemical Engineering; Physics and Astronomy
Includes several chemical dictionaries, and the CRC handbook of chemistry & physics.
Search database:
Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
"ChemSpider is a chemistry search engine. It has been built with the intention of aggregating and indexing chemical structures and their associated information into a single searchable repository. Providing access to millions of chemical structures and integration to a multitude of other online services ChemSpider is the richest single source of structure-based chemistry information."
Search database:
Engineering; Physics and Astronomy; Chemistry and Chemical Engineering; Earth Sciences
Collection of materials properties databases for thermal, mechanical, electrical, physical and other properties of various materials including aerospace alloys. The Microelectronics Packaging Materials Database (MPMD) contains data on thermal, mechanical, electrical and physical properties of electronics packaging materials. The Thermophysical properties of matter database (TPMD), contains thermophysical properties of over 5,000 materials with approximately 50,000 data curves). The Aerospace Structural Metals Database (ASMD) contains approximately 80,000 data curves on over 200 alloys used in the aerospace and other industries.

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